Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Romeo and Juliet essay

           The Romeo and Juliet project helped students express their creativity in many ways. Modernizing the play gave the students a better understanding of the Shakespearean language. The students were guinea pigs for the project, and it turned out quite well. The students had a fun time working on the project together, and had a much better experience than they would’ve had writing an essay. Working with the students in Iowa also helped the students work with their communication skills. The project was all student run, which is huge. Each student was responsible for their own grade, and for the most part had a fun time with uploading their blogs. The Epic Romeo and Juliet project was a great experience for the students.

          While reading the play, the students had to use their creative sides to choose how to change the script to make it easier to act out. Re-writing the script from old-english, into new-age lingo was a challenging part of the project, but it turned out quite well. During class students would brainstorm ideas for the costume, script, setup, props, and filming locations. They all worked together in producing the play, and are still very excited to see the outcome. Since it was all student run, they are all very proud of their work. They chose props, costumes, sets, filming dates, you name it, they did it. The students came together on their own time to film, and had a great time doing so. Everyone was responsible for their own job, and had points taken off it they didn’t do it.

         Each student was given a job to fulfill, and they were all responsible for their own work. Updating their blogs was a major part of the project, and fun for the students to do. Mr.Provenzano created a Wiki, for the project, which made it easy for the students to keep up on the filming schedule and everything. Multiple times in class the students had a live video chat with the students from Iowa to share ideas, and discuss how the project was coming along. For few this was the first time Skype was used, and showed the students how to use it. Communication was a huge part of this project. Email was used often for students to share ideas, and decide where to film. They were able to express their social sides, and new relationships were developed through this project.

          Grosse Pointe South is known for their education, and sports. The school isn’t very big on student spirit. This project is one of the things that the freshman that worked on it will look back on when they are older, and remember how much fun they had. It was a great experience for them all. High School is the time for memories. As the students grow older, they’ll look back on this project, and smile from all of the fun they had. Many students made new friends through this project. The project went by fast, but the movie premiere is April 30th, and the students are very excited about that.

           The project was a great experience for the students. They had a chance to express their creative, and social sides. The project being student run, showed how responsible the students are, and showed the students how fun school projects can be. Many students made new friends, and had great times attending the filming sessions. The project is something the students will remember about high school later in life. It was overall a great time for them. Creating the blogs opened their eyes to the different forms of communication they might use later in life. The students overall had a great time creating the movie, and had a better learning experience than they would have writing an essay.

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